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Content Development

Optimize Detail Pages, Publish Brand Stores, and More

LCM can enrich your capabilities with a robust menu of services.

  • Optimize standard detail page content (titles, feature bullets, product descriptions) for improved searchability
  • Build enhanced A+ detail pages with rich imagery
  • Publish Brand Stores for use with Amazon Advertising and external linking
  • Train your team members on the secrets of Amazon tools

Page UX & Content Optimization

A critical component of your product catalog's long-term success, Amazon-optimized product content can improve search ranking, sales conversion, and review ratings. Working with existing Amazon content or writing from scratch, we develop content that pushes your search relevancy and engages all shoppers.

Combined with consulting on page images optimized for mobile devices and enhanced detail page content (A+), your product page user experience will accelerate your sales.

Enhanced Content (A+)

Maximize conversion, improve customer education, and build your brand with custom Amazon A+ detail pages (also known as Enhanced Marketing and Enhanced Brand Content).

We build out high-quality A+ detail pages from a number of templates that combine integral messaging, narrative text flow, and feature details with rich graphical elements and comparison charts.

Tier 1

Showcase products with complex technologies and features.

  • 5 modules (deep detail, wide banner, comparison)

Tier 2

Blend lifestyle imagery with tech and feature highlights.

  • 5 modules (wide images, feature detail, comparison)

Tier 3

Share brand and product story when you have fewer images.

  • 4 modules (wide imagery, one comparison)

Tier 4

Great for products or accessories with fewer features.

  • 3 modules (wide image option, comparison)

Brand Store

Amazon Stores enable you to promote your brand and products via a multi-page storefront that can be accessed via ads, brand name links on detail pages, and from external marketing campaigns (requires enrollment in Amazon Advertising).

Sawyer Brand Store

Koia Brand Store